Learning Strategies:
As you study this unit, try to develop your own ways of learning. Here are some study tips:
In your notebook, make a separate section: IMPORTANT VOCABULARY List new words you see in the classroom. Look up the words in your dictionary. If you dont understand their meanings, ask your teacher for help.
Make another section: NEW CUSTOMS. Keep a list of new customs you observe. Make a list of customs you observe. Make a slit of customs that confuse you. Discuss list in class.
Make another section in your notebook: JOURNAL. Write in this journal section whenever you can.
Listen to conversations in English and in your languag outside of the class. What do you notice? Write your observations and impressions in your journal.
–Lesson 1: Introductions, Greetings, Congratulations, Apologies, Good and Bad Manners, Helping Others,
Expressing Sympathy
–Lesson 2: Participate in learning new words and their pronunciations.
Using picture discussions, ask and answer questions; role play, and participate in class games.
Refer to page 3
–Lesson 3: Distinguish formal and informal expression for greetings and leavetakings
–Lesson 4: Listen to the many several ways of greetings and leavetakings in several countries
–Lesson 5: Express your reasons in studying English as you learn the several reasons people study English
–Lesson 6: Give and ask pesonal information – refer to page 9
–Lesson 7: Use appropriate expressions when congratulating people, expressing an apology/ sympathy in
different several occassions
Lesson8: Talk about good and bad manners in your country
Learning Strategies:
— Make a calendar in English for the month. Write your activities on the calendar every day.
— In the journal section of your notebook, write about the weather every day. Example: Today, the weather is…
–Lesson 1: Learn how to pronounce the days of the week. Write down your activities for the morning, afternoon, and night. Using the correct expressions, share your journal with your seatmate.
–Lesson 2: Add months and dates to your vocabulary. Practice the pronunciation of the words with your teacher and classmates during the drill. Mark dates that are important to you as well as the holidays in your country. For example your birthday, wedding anniversary, etc. Share them with your group mates.
–Lesson 3: Tell the class about the important holidays that your country celebrates. Describe how it is being celebrated in your country.
–Lesson 4: Discuss where you live and what seasons does your country has. Tell the class about your favorite season, and what you do during that season. ( page 35)
–Lesson 5: In a short paragraph, write a story based on the photo presented in the book.
–Lesson 6: Identify the weather in relation to the activities in the illustration. Guess what they’re thinking
–Lesson 7: Write a short weather report and read it to class.
–Lesson 8: Review
Learning strategies:
–Make labels in English for everything you find in your house. Repeat the vocabulary every time you find the labels.
— With a classmate, describe each room in your home. Compare your home with your classmates’.
–Lesson 1: Participate in interviews, group discussion, small talks; deliver a speech, tell a brief story about the place where your home is, and what kind of house do you have? Make sure to memorize the new vocabulary words learned and pronounce them well.
— Lesson 2: Tell a story, compare kitchens, role play, do the vocabulary challenge, participate in educational games about the different parts of the house. Remember to record all new words and learn how their proper pronunciation.
–Lesson 3: Do partner interviews, role play about the neighbors and your neighborhood.
–Lesson 4: List down problems commonly encountered in houses, role play, offer solutions, write comic strips about the given topic. New words must be recorded and practiced daily.
Lesson Strategies:
–Every day during this unit, write a THINGS TO DO list yourself. At the end of each day, check all the things you actually did that day.
–Among the things “to do,” write down the strategies you will practice. For example, choose two of these learning strategies to practice every day.
–Watch English language TV show an hour each day
–Learn five new English words each day
— Talk with one person in English each day outside of the classroom
— Ask my teacher about anything I don’t understand
— Lesson 1: Using superlatives, join a class survey, make a journal about your daily life and your classmates’ daily activities
–Lesson 2: Create a “Favorite Foods Menu” together with your group mates, and enter into an interesting conversation about dining, beverages, and food etiquettes.
–Lesson 3: Describe your personality and that of your classmates
–Lesson 4: Memorize vocabulary words about friendship and its importance in our daily life. Roleplay and provide an ending to a storyboard presented in the book. refer to page 31
–Lesson 5: Recall your childhood memories and share them with your group mates. Listen to your group – mates as they tell their own childhood memories. Deliver a speech about your treasured childhood possession.
–Lesson 7: Ask your group mates about their important cultural heritage, famous landmarks, customs and traditions. Be ready to share yours.
–Lesson 8: Express several reactions to different kinds of stories as shown on page 37.
–Lesson 9: Ask your classmates’ dreams and aspirations for the future. Share yours as well.
–Lesson 10: Express your own learning style both oral and written. Ask your classmates, record their answers, ask questions if necessary.
Lesson 11: Review ( refer to page 42)
Learning Strategy:
— Have lunch or coffee break with classmates, and make sure to speak only in English.
— Find food labels in English. Ask your teacher about the pronunciation of new words.
–Lesson 1: Identify the names of fruits found in groceries. Learn how to pronounce them properly with the help of your teacher. Make a fruit salad in class and tell the recipe.
–Lesson 3: Identify the vegetables in the market, and learn how to pronounce them properly with the help of your teacher. With a partner, do the interview on page 45.
–Lesson 4: Learn the names of meat, seafood, poultry, and the different items sold in the supermarket. Pronounce them properly with your teacher. Do interviews, class demos , recipe sharing, and shopping role play.
–Lesson 6: Learn new words about breakfast, lunch, dinner, junk food, desserts; pronoune the words correctly with the help of your teacher. Participate in class surveys, group discussions, sharings about intercultural foods, recipes, and table manners. pages 43 to 52.
Lesson 7: Review
Learning Strategies:
— Write all your shopping lists in English. Go shopping with a classmate. Shop in English.
–Show your purchase to classmates. Describe your purchases in English. Ask questions about what your classmates bought.
–Lesson 1: Write the names of your neighborhood stores; strip stories; role play; interview; write down; pronounce vocabulary words; join group discussion about shopping; tell about your favorite sports store, toy store, shoe store,men’s clothing store, women’s clothing store, flower shop, pharmacy, jewelry store, hardware store, office supply store, and electronics store.
–Lesson 2: Classify items according to what kind of store are they sold
–Lesson 3: Review a newspaper advertisement, write an advertisenemnt, and present it in class
–Lesson 4: Review
Learning Strategies:
— Make a list of your daily work at home.
–With a classmate, make a list and jobs work situations in your community that require English.
–Lesson 1: Make a list of housework and participate in a class survey. Mark each chore according to the frequency: every day, often, occasionally, never.
–Lesson 2: Write the correct order of the pictures as you heard from your teacher. page 129 Share your opinion about an issue: ” Should men help in the house chores?”
–Lesson 3: Add more to your vocabulary by identifying what job each person does in the picture on page 132. Write where they work, and who are they. Also, identify what proper clothing and equipment each job requires.
–Lesson 4: Discuss safety at work by identifying work hazards as shown in the photos on page 136. Guess what each person is thinking while working. Participate in a role-play. refer to page 137
–Lesson 5: Memorize farm vocabulary words and make sure you learn how to pronounce them properly. Ask your classmates what animals say in their country. Refer to the chart on page 138
–Lesson 6: Share some problems at work and offer solutions to them. Join a role-play
–Lesson 7: Discuss reasons for losing a job, and offer solutions and tips on how to find a job. Write a biodata and an application letter to a company you want to apply for. Role-play a job interview with a partner. You play the role of the interviewer, your partner is the interviewee. Switch roles.
Lesson 8: Choose which benefits are important to you. Tell the class what common benefits do you enjoy in your job.
Lesson 9: Differentiate a job from a career. Share your thoughts whether you are happy with your career or not.
Learning Strategies:
— Walk around your neighborhood. Make a list of everything you see. Then, in the journal section of your notebook, describe your neighborhood. What different kinds of houses did you see? Focus on two or three people that you saw. Describe them.
–Find places in your community where you can speak English. Go there. Introduce yourself. Speak English.
–Lesson 1: Discuss, role play, learn to use a telephone directory, recite, write a story, tell a story, practice pronunciation, write down new words, memorize word meanings about your neighborhood, your community, use of telephone, fire department, police station, post office, bank, public transportation, your car, traffic, road signs, the gas stations, laundromats, dry cleaners.
–Lesson 2: Pantomime activities in places mentioned above.
–Lesson 3: Write a short essay an emergency you had witnessed in your community.
–Lesson 4: Review
Learning Strategies:
–In the journal section of your notebook, write about daily leisure activities. For example, I took a walk; I read; I went to a movie.
–Find a new leisure activity to practice English. For example: Watch TV shows in English with a friend. Discuss the shows in Englishwith a friend. Take a walk with an English speaking friend. Pick a topic and discuss in English.
Lesson 1: Participate in group vocabulary challenge and write as many leisure activites as as you.
Lesson 2: Memorize vocabulary words about common leisure time activities, and master their pronunciation. Write a short story, role play, decide what shows to watch on TV based on the activites suggested on pages 173 to 177.
Lesson 3: Differentiate individual sport vs. team sport. Share about a popoular sport in your country.
Lesson 4: Tell about family activites: at the park, taking a trip, at a beach, camping. Write a list of what to bring to a trip; most popular tourist destination in your country; who you would like to be in a beach; finish an open ended story about camping. Share your work in the group.
Lesson 5: Count how many people aer in the library and tell the class what each one is doing. With your class, plan a fieled trip to the school or local library. Write your questions to the librarian.
Lesson 6: Reviewpage 90
Learning Strategy:
–1. Describe a recent illness you had. How did you feel? What did you do to get well?
–2. In the journal section of your notebook, write about your family’s health history. Include medical problems including accidents, or emergencies.
–Lesson 1: Participate in a class game “Follow the leader” to make the learning of different parts of the body fun.
–Lesson 2: page 162, learn vocabulary and proper pronunciation of the different parts of the parts of internal organs. Complete the chart with the correct answer.
–Lesson 3: page 152, Describe what’s happening in each picture, and pretend to call up a health clinic, hospital for a healthcare or emergency health issue.
–Lesson 4: Guess what disease each person in the picture is suffering from. share how those illnesses are cured in your country or city.
–Lesson5: Determine what kind of doctor do you need for a particular health problem you have. Write down and memorize.
–Lesson 6: Fill up a patient form in a clinic or hospital. Then, role-play a doctor visit scene.
–Lesson 7: Determine which kind of diseases or accidents need emergency attention. Roleplay calling up a hospital ambulance for an emergency.
–Lesson 8: Learn new words about tooth care and dentist. Share stories about toothache remedies in your country. Role-play a dentist visit. Share customs and traditions about wisdom tooth or baby’s first tooth.
–Lesson 9: Learn new words about veterinary medicine, their pronunciation, and their function. Share about your pets or neighbors’ pets and what problem health problems do pets create if unmanned or untrained?
–Lesson 10: Review : Solving a puzzle
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