Seminars & Workshops: Wealthopia Generation’s Gaining Influence and Wealth in the 21st Century

Wealthopia Generation's Gaining Influence and Wealth in the 21st Century by Mary Angela Moore

Wealthopia Generation's Gaining Influence and Wealth in the 21st Century is a course that will improve your ability to influence people without using your "authority" in your organization, team, family, or community. 

You will develop highly proven, effective ways to build and sustain a power base in your organization or anywhere you are. You will be able to apply simple but proven charismatic life skills that enable you to be more persuasive and influential everywhere you go. In addition, you will be able to build and maintain meaningful, and high-quality relationships to further maximize your innate power to influence others. Importantly, you will astutely distinguish between influence and manipulation and learn how to protect yourself from the unwanted influence of others.

The influence life skills you learn in this course will make you a more effective and influential leader, presenter, and decision-maker. You will be more effective in pitching your ideas to your superiors, subordinates,  customers, stakeholders, family members, and community. 

As a result of this training, you will live a life of influence and abundance if you will imbibe these values in your life.


A huge body of chess theory has developed since the game's inception. Aspects of art are found in chess composition; and chess in its turn influenced Western culture and art and has connections with other fields such as mathematics, computer science, and psychology. Read more here:

Chess is an abstract strategy game and involves no hidden information. It is played on a square chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. At the start, each player (one controlling the white pieces, the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in “check“) and there is no way for it to escape. There are also several ways a game can end in a draw.

Organized chess arose in the 19th century. Chess competition today is governed internationally by FIDE (International Chess Federation). The first universally recognized World Chess ChampionWilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; Magnus Carlsen is the current World Champion. A huge body of chess theory has developed since the game’s inception. Aspects of art are found in chess composition; and chess in its turn influenced Western culture and art and has connections with other fields such as mathematicscomputer science, and psychology. Read more here:



To influence others and win the "game", one must be lawful.

The universe of which we are a part is governed by laws: Divine Laws, Universal Laws, Natural Laws, Laws of the Land.  The laws are there as a guiding light for all of us to live a life of harmony and peace with ourselves and our environment.  All units of society are governed by laws: Family code, church Laws, Spiritual Laws, Business Code of Ethics, and the like. Once we break the laws, we put ourselves into a shaky rock. All Laws of the Land are codes based on Divine Laws, Universal Laws of conduct, or ethics that when imbibed and practiced puts us into the stable, steady ground and a  stable and steady person attracts influence. 

 Harmony is a result when companies, families, or communities with lawful heads, and members, live harmoniously. A harmonious environment is a place where ideas thrive, self-esteem is high, confidence is contagious, growth proliferates, joy and happiness reign. In an environment like this, influencing one another results in WEALTH.

What is ETHICS?

Ethics refers to the set of moral principles that guides an institution's conduct. These principles govern every aspect of life, including its relationship with government, fellows, community, other businesses, its treatment among each other, and its relationship with its customers. Whenever any problmes or controversies arise, a community, enterprise, family will look to these foundational principles to help resolve those situations

The Importance of Ethics 
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Primarily, it makes sure the organization operates according to all applicable laws. Standing lawfully, whether, on a basic, community, national, international level maintains the organization’s respect among its members, peers, clients, customers, and enables all institutions to continue running. 

A family that adheres to the family code of ethics breeds confidence, happiness, and contentment among its members. A church, a business, an organization whose members are ethical attract quality people in their organizations.  

Finally, any organization whose members treat each other ethically builds trust with them, as well as an ongoing relationship. According to Zeth Godin, relationships breed influence at all fronts.

All the real influencers in all areas of life were ethical; therefore,  they were successful in their relationships at all levels. To name a few, Saith Teresa of Calcutta, Zig Ziglar, Dale Carnegie, Jesus, Budhha, and Confucius.   Adherence to high ethical principles can gain respect and elevate the quality of your name and reputation. 

Types of Organizational Ethics: 

  1. Personal Responsibility

Each person who is a member of an organization, whether on the leadership post or member, will be expected to own personal responsibility such as completing tasks, duties, responsibilities.  If one makes a mistake, they are quick to acknowledge their fault and do something to mitigate the situation.

   2. Corporate Responsibility 

 Organizational Leaders have responsibilities towards their subordinates, members, and the community and friends or clients. In a business setup, some of these may be contractual or legal obligations, others may be promises, for example, to conduct business fairly and to treat people with dignity and respect. In a family setup, the father fulfills his obligations towards his wife and children with love and understanding. Whatever those obligations are, the family, church, the business has a responsibility to keep them.

  3. Loyalty 

Members and leaders should be loyal to their fellow members, superiors, and the organization.  Positive assertions, cordial talks about the organization and members, avoiding gaslighting and gossiping about the organization and its leaders as well as members make a joyful, influential environment. This atmosphere attracts more friends, followers, and quality contributions to the community and the whole world. 

  4. Respect 

In a game of chess, the queen combines the power of a rook and bishop and can move any number of squares along a rank, file, or diagonal, but cannot leap over other pieces. Not leaping over the other pieces means avoiding stepping, looking down, or demeaning the other members of the community. In the same way that the other pieces do not touch the queen without any reasonable law backing them up. 

In real life, the “queen” expresses herself always in a positive light, respectful of cultures, races, colors, and creed. A queenly attitude of showing respect to someone, makes one feel a valued member of the team. When the “queen” cares about the opinions of others, she keeps her promises to them and gives them recognition through material or non-material ways, and she works quickly to resolve any issues they may have, she will be more influential. 

5. Trustworthiness

An organization, to remain influential must cultivate trustworthiness with everyone in all aspects through honesty, transparency, and reliability. As in all relationships, we should feel that we can trust each other to keep our ties together; be it in family, corporate, church organization.  

6. Fairness 

When an organization exercises fairness, it applies the same standards and rules for all the members in her court regardless of rank, influence is easy to achieve.

7. Community and Environmental Responsibility

Awareness of the needs of the community and the planet is ethical. Families, corporations, companies, churches, and other organizations are looking for ways to give back. This act of love, when done with sincerity attracts influence. 

For more details and to book, please email Angela with the subject line ‘Gaining Influence & Wealth’

Influence, Like the Game of Chess is Transparent. ( It is not Opaque like Poker)

Chess is a perfectly transparent game, unlike poker. There's no hidden tactics in it, unlike poker. In chess, all rules and strategies are laid down to both players. Thus, the future of the game can be predicted by the moves of each player. In poker, no one knows as to who will win the game.

One element that makes chess an influential game is its transparency.  It is easy for the game’s players to figure out the outcome. If it’s possible for players to figure out what will happen next, it’s transparent.  All moves made by both sides are recorded, with no hidden agenda, but pure strategies. Winning in chess is a mastery of transparent rules, and techniques. 

Unlike poker that is considered to be opaque, it’s impossible for players to figure out what will happen next. Thus, the illustration of dogs above,  displaying various tricky, suspicious looks and glancess towards each, wondering who will and what will the next dog do. The future of the game is uncertain as things are hidden by the player.   Just as transparency defines chess, opacity defines poker.

In an organization, it is sometimes good to throw some surprise parties or give some surprise gifts, but NEVER surprise anyone with new rules and new ethical standards without letting them buy into your ideas. Always adapt the CHESS Strategy in your organization, and for sure, you will be the queen of them all. 

How transparency in an Organization Help Influencing Your Team and Outside of Your Team

 Transparency needs to be core to an organization’s values. It requires both great technology and a company culture centered on openness to yield productivity and trust among each one in the team. 

Here are a few ideas for creating a transparent organization.

  1. Stop micromanagement. Trust your employees.
  2. Make important information accessible. Discuss it with them, make them understand the organization’s vision, and allow them to make their own strategies, make decisions, and act on their own. 
  3. Parameters, responsibilities, games plans, tools, and the like must not be kept secret. The entire team must have full access to the rules of the “game”. 
  4. Don’t just share plans. Share good or bad results. Then, learn from the experience collectively. 
  5. Learn how to peg peripheries. Transparency is simply giving enough information one needs to do a job effectively and efficiently. Keep administrative matters private. 
  6. Be with your tribe. Whether you’re single, a company that’s hiring new employees, or a church leader, one word for you to remember is to be with kindred hearts only. 
  7. Establish open communication channels. Make sure that your organizational chart is known to all so that each one knows where to communicate some job-related concerns.  

Influence, Like Chess is Psychology in Action

Dr. Fernand Gobet is a professor of Cognitive Psychology and an International Master. He is a former Swiss Junior Champion and Swiss Champion, and was co-editor of the Swiss Chess Review from 1981 to 1989. He wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on the memories of a chess player. He has written many books and articles about chess and psychology. He has been studying many aspects of chess psychology such as mental imagery, pattern recognition, and study and playing patterns of chess players.
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Strategy vs. Tactic

Successful chess grandmasters use both highly proven strategies and tactics to achieve their ultimate goal which is to capture the opponent's king.  Here's how these two techniques can help you achieve your strategic goals.

Chess grandmasters who come to the chess tournaments don’t blindly go into the game haphazardly moving the pieces. They have scientifically proven and carefully learned moves to gain upper hand against their opponent. 

Successful chess grandmasters use both highly proven strategies and tactics to achieve their ultimate goal which is to capture the opponent’s king.  Here’s how these two techniques can help you achieve your strategic goals. 

What are Terminology and Tactics?
The terminologies “strategy” and “tactics”  had originated from military the military. It had its roots in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Nowadays, these words have been adopted by businesses, games, and even relationships. Definition of Strategy

Harvard Business Review defines strategy as a set of guiding principles that, when communicated and adopted in the organization, generate the desired pattern of decision making.  Together, the mission, network, strategy, and vision define the strategic direction for a business.

 A strategy is therefore about how people throughout the organization should make decisions and allocate resources in order to accomplish key objectives. A good strategy provides a clear roadmap, consisting of a set of guiding principles or rules, that defines the actions people in the business should take (and not take) and the things they should prioritize (and not prioritize) to achieve desired goals.

Your strategy is your VISION, YOUR END GOAL. 

Definition of tactics
While strategy is the VISION or GENERAL GOAL, tactics are the individual course of action that you will take to bring your end goal into fulfillment.   

In chess,  strategy is positioning your pieces in a specific manner for the purpose of capturing the king. Tactics are the ACT  of moving each piece strategically.

Your strategy is your MISSION, YOUR COURSE OF ACTION.

So, how are strategies and tactics related? 
Your strategies are your LONG TERM GOALS while your TACTICS are your short action plan towards the fulfillment of your goal. 

For example, TBC-InTV’s vision is to redefine broadcasting, its mission is to build communities of action, equip

TBC InTV aims to bring only the truth to power and build strong positive and loving communities of conviction and action for a better world in the 21st century.

Through innovative educational programs, news reporting, and cutting-edge stories, and collaboration.

If TBC InTV would like to redefine broadcasting, reaching its vision solely with strategy won’t get it anywhere since tactics are the concrete steps that will take it where it needs to go. When a team only uses strategy or vision, it only has plans and drawings. It has to employ tactics or missions to redefine broadcasting.



In conclusion, influence is simply the effective combination of communicator, message, and audience. 


The right chemistry among the three elements will decide the overall effectiveness of an attempt to influence.  The audience (collaborators, stakeholders, employees, parishioners, followers) will determine whether or not you can influence them or not. 

 A powerful communicator with a relevant and unique message using the right words wins over most audiences. 

To Influence Others, you start with an effective groundwork:

  1. Network with Like-minded People ONLY

Connecting with like-minded people who share your goals, interests, passion and forging satisfying relationships with them is your first step.   Having like-minded people with proper credentials who believe in your vision and mission gives you instant winning points rather than connecting with people whose principles are opposed to yours. A second reason to network and build relationships is that people are always ready and willing to spend time reading or listening to and help a friend or an ally. Investing your time with the right people, building relationships with them will make it easy for you to influence people. 

If you want to influence but you are connecting with the wrong people,  you may be out of even good results. You may not even be able to spark an iota of interest in the wrong connections. 

Remember that people would like to hear only what they want to hear. Therefore, connecting with like-minded people, kindred spirits makes it easy for you to influence them. 

Credibility Counts

 What gives someone credibility?

The following characteristics help:

  • Expertise: know now what you’re talking about
  • Status quo: Having high status in the community
  • Trustworthiness: Being trusted by the audience
  • Likability: Being liked by the audience


Basically, trustworthiness is the ability to be relied on as honest or truthful. However, in influencing your stakeholders, collaborators, employees, parishioners, and the like, a lot more requirements are needed to make you trustworthy. First, you must have a track record of success, credentials, and affiliations. Second, people trust you more if you listen and care about them. Influencing others is more of a listening task than an action task. When you give value to others, they will view you as trustworthy. 

Don’t Speak, Communicate

Talking is the result of opening our mouths, producing sounds, and letting words flow without being mindful of sophistication, ethics, strategies, contents, charm, and the like . Communication is the art and science  of speaking. Communication, if properly harnessed is one powerful tool in influencing others. Careful planning  and ample preparation before standing infront of an audience  yield positive results. 

Give allowance for a  “buy-in” Period 

The world’s premier leadership guru,  John C. Maxwell writes, “Every message that people receive is filtered through the messenger who delivers it. If you consider the messenger to be credible, then you believe the message has value.” This is why celebrity endorsements are so successful—if people trust the celebrity, they’ll buy what they are selling.

This idea applies to your business, too. If people trust you, they will follow you no matter where you lead. If they don’t buy into you as a leader, though, they will be reluctant to buy into your vision even if it’s aligned with their ideals.

Maxwell puts it this way: if people buy into both the leader and the vision, they’ll get behind the leader. When they buy into the leader but not the vision, you’ll need a new vision, but it’s not the end of the world.

When followers don’t like the leader and can’t get on board with the vision, however, people feel that it’s time to get another leader. You don’t want this to happen to you.

Use The Bandwagon Effect 

The Bandwagon Effect is the tendency for one or a group of individuals to conclude that someone or something is desirable because a lot of people like it. The Bandwagon Effect in simple terms is the tendency to follow trends and fads. This occurs because most people have the unconscious desire to conform to peers, communities, families, or famous people.

Give Something Away

Across cultures, giving back is a common practice. That is, if you give something to them, they will reciprocate in a way that makes you happy. Everyone loves gifts. That is why gifts are often used to court women, clients, and people we need to seek favor from. 

Always Ask People Questions That Are Answerable by YES, not NO


TBC-InTV: You must be sick and tired of fake news.  100% answer, YES
Prospects: Yes 

TBC-InTV: That is why you are confused as to what to believe in. Right?
Prospects: Yes 

TBC-InTV: CellPhone Journalism is a new approach to redefine broadcasting. This will eradicate fake news in the long run. The news will not be editorialized, no cuts allowed, no edits, and news are served raw. Would you like to listen more about this game-changer?
Prospect: Yes 

TBC-InTV: You are surely qualified to be a part of us. You see, we welcome anyone who is pretty much as you: technology-savvy, sincere, professional, industrious, and loyal to his/her cause. We have FREE training webinars for like-minded people every week. I am sure you are free on weekends.  
Prospect: Yes, I am. 

TBC-InTV: In a span of two months, we were able to certify high-quality people like you, and now, they are starting to produce ideal videos. Do you want to see some on Youtube, Linkedin, or Facebook?
Prospect: Sure!

TBC-InTV: You see? As simple as that! Just use your cellphone, and you can already produce content worthwhile watching. 
Prospect: For sure, yes!

TBC-InTV: To top it off, we have a way of monetizing it without sacrificing our integrity. 
Prospect: That sounds attractive. 

TBC-InTV: Indeed, it is. Are you free on Saturdays? The training runs for 6 Saturdays, one hour per session. 
Prospect: Sure, I am. Count me in. 

Make people comfortable

By being warm and friendly, people are much more likely to listen to your point of view. You can start with:

  • Appreciation: People would like to be appreciated. However, don’t overdo it. Most people dislike fawning.
  •  Empathy: Always put your feet in other people’s shoes. This way, you make it easy for you to persuade them.
  • Call people by name, not titles: Names are the sweetest words people can hear. 
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