The trouble with the common and current academic curriculum is the embellishment of “hypes” or the sugar coating rather than hitting the nail and hammering it in. WIN SYSTEM is one of a kind philosophy which does not separate ACADEMICS FROM LIFE. Thus, we choose SERVICE to HUMANmankind as our main BUSINESS; not the business out of teaching. Having that as our philosophy, our students do not miss the most important tools for success– the anchor that is the knowledge of their real identity, their purpose, and their potential. WIN SYSTEM ushers them to the compass that points to FOCUS AND DIRECTION. Ultimately gives them the RUDDER, that is life skill acquisition needed for the 21st century and their communicative competence that is the wind that will put them on the shores of success. In doing this, our learners do not miss the real essence of learning English, which is to SUCCEED in their daily sail of life.
The ANCHOR, the COMPASS, the RUDDER and the WIND
WIN SYSTEM makes learning EASY, FUN, and MEANINGFUL.
WIN SYSTEM of TBC-InTV incorporates The ANCHOR, the COMPASS, the STEERING WHEEL and the WIND philosophy in its curricula at all levels.
TBC-InTV provides one on one OR GROUP coaching, seminars, and workshops to strengthen 21ST CENTURY SKILLS to students, employees, employers, organizations, and departments; discovering their great future ahead of them through the WIN SYSTEM. The WIN SYSTEM trains individuals and groups the KEY FACTORS that determine success: LANGUAGE, LIFE, ATTITUDE, FAITH to LEARN LIFE efficiently, productively and effectively. WIN SYSTEM is dedicated to “helping EACH INDIVIDUAL the languages of success!” You can be a student, an employee, or a businessperson; WIN SYSTEM is for you.
Many times, what may appear to be a difficulty in learning , management, racial, gender, class, or other issues may only be a lack of some important foundational knowledge. For example, a grade school student may have a hard time learning not because of the lack of skills but might only be an issue of self-confidence. A manager who might find it challenging to manage a diverse group might not be an issue of poor management skills, but a shortage of fundamental life skills..
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